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Author Visits

Dear Educator,


First of all, I want you to know that I absolutely LOVE coming to schools for author visits! The interactions I get to have with students are truly inspiring. Whether it’s answering their questions about my life as a writer, sharing our favorite books or talking about the characters in SAVING WONDER—I always walk away enriched beyond measure with new inspiration to keep on writing!


If you’re interested in my coming to your school or event for an author visit: Please contact me via this website through the comment section. I usually reply within 48 hours.


I can’t wait to design an author visit that meets your students’ specific desires and needs. Whether it’s meeting with large groups, smaller classes, teachers or clubs—or ONE BOOK, ONE SCHOOL celebrations—I'm happy to create something that works for everyone.




For school audiences that haven’t read SAVING WONDER or WHAT THE SEAHORSE TOLD ME yet, I  offer a highly visual PowerPoint presentation on “The Power of Words” which not only talks about my books and my life as a writer, but also about how our words—both written and spoken—have the power to create a better world. I also talk about how empathy is a key to good writing—how as writers, we inspire our readers to enter into our characters’ lives, to see what they see, to feel what they feel. I want students to come away knowing they have the same tools I do—the power of words and a voice that makes a difference in the world.​​

Question and answer sessions with students who have read the novel tend to be rewarding for all of us. As I hear from my readership, I inevitably gain more insight into the writing process and can echo this insight back to the students. It’s a mutual exchange in which all are enriched.

                            We meet in the heart of the story.




For student audiences that have read the novel, in addition to talking about the power of words, I may invite a conversation around events in the novel or what they thought about a certain character and his or her actions. I might also talk about the writing process, how I try to be “fair” in portraying all of my characters as real people with a right to their opinions and motivations, how certain scenes are sometimes hard for me to write because I know my characters are going to be challenged or heart-broken—but how as a writer,

I need to throw obstacles and hardships on my protagonist’s path in order for him or her to change and grow.




If you’d like a copy of my handout, “Ways to Engage Saving Wonder in the Classroom,” contact me through the comment section of this website and I’d be glad to send it to you as an email attachment.

I wanted to thank you again for a wonderful program.

I appreciate your passion and articulate presentation. It meant a lot to us. We'll try and spread the word about Saving Wonder. It deserves a very wide audience!


Steve Henry

Teacher, Chenoweth Elementary, Louisville, Kentucky


Mrs. Knight visited our school last year during our book fair. Prior to her arriving, I read the first chapter of Saving Wonder to my classes, just enough to spark their curiosity. When Mrs. Knight visited, she presented a clear, powerful presentation about her inspirations for the book. Our seventh graders were so excited to get writing advice from a real author. If you have the opportunity to have Mrs. Knight visit your school this year, your students will come away with many new perspectives about the coal industry, the power of words, and the writing process!


Vickie Moriarity

7th grade language arts teacher, Bath County Middle School

My 5th grade students finished Saving Wonder on Friday! They begged to read every day and my entire class was engaged and absolutely LOVED the book. It is most definitely my new favorite read aloud.  Absolutely a MUST read! 


Kendal Maxwell, 5th grade teacher

Classroom Resources

Click on the images below for a link to download these resources.

Effects of MTR on Stream Runoff[3794] 1.
SAVING WONDER Teacher Handout[3795]
Effects of MTR on Stream Runoff[3794] 1.
Effects of MTR on Stream Runoff[3794] 1.
Effects of MTR on Stream Runoff[3794] 1.
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